LIVERMORE FALLS —The United Way of the Tri-Valley Area is honored to be a recent recipient of $1.677 million dollars in Congressional Discretionary Spending. This funding was received with significant support from Senator Collins’ and Senator King’s offices and in collaboration with Area Youth Sports (AYS) and Spruce Mountain Adult Education. Collaboration is a United Way hallmark, and we are honored to work with these two organizations to renovate the current AYS building (formerly the old Livermore Falls High School) located at 25 Cedar Street in Livermore Falls into a more open, available community center.

“Our collective agencies (United Way of the Tri-Valley Area, Area Youth Sports and Spruce Mountain Adult Education) are excited about the investment into our region, the community and the opportunities it creates,” shares Kendra Baker, Executive Director of United Way of the Tri-Valley Area.

Area Youth Sports (AYS) is looking forward to these renovations that will bring the building up to compliance, ensuring continuation of the program. The AYS program/participants will benefit from updated facilities and in partnership with United Way the building will be more accessible before and after sporting practices, events, etc. as well as for utilizing other planned programs within the community space.

“AYS has a history of support from United Way of the Tri-Valley Area, we are so thankful for United Way of the Tri-Valley Area’s collaboration with this grant support for AYS and the community, as well as the partnership with and Spruce Mountain Adult Education. This is a big opportunity for our community.,” shares Dave Frey, Board Chair of Area Youth Sports

Spruce Mountain Adult Education will be offering additional workforce training opportunities within the community building. Plans to renovate the kitchen area will provide ample space for their culinary arts program and expand their ability to incorporate more hospitality skills for adult learners in this hands-on training.

Additionally, embedding childcare into the community center will allow for access to safe and affordable care for young children. In a 2021 survey of greater Franklin County residents with children under the age of 10, Childcare costs (68.7%) and availability of local childcare centers (58.2%) were the two most significant barriers for parents who wish to enroll in continuing education or enter the workforce.


“It is our hope that a multifaceted center will instill a sense of belonging for community members. The increased presence of the United Way in the Jay, Livermore, and Livermore Falls region will be an added benefit to those with transportation barriers who may find travel to Farmington challenging. This project also creates an awareness of programs that aid in improving quality of life for residents within the three towns”, states Robyn Raymond, Director of Spruce Mountain Adult Education

For United Way of the Tri-Valley Area it offers the opportunity to have an office in our southern area, where we and our community partners can be more accessible to offer programs and resources.

The upgraded building will be more accessible and available to the community as a place to gather, learn and meet, providing a greater sense of belonging to those in the community. Other renovation plans include creating a childcare center space to be available for rent to expand childcare options in the area, a warming center for seniors, after school programs and community meeting space.

United Way is extremely grateful for the support from both Senator Collins’ and Senator King’s offices and is excited to work with area agencies on this project, which has been over a year in the planning. The goal is to positively impact Livermore Falls, Livermore, Jay, and surrounding communities, give our youth and seniors a safe and accessible place to go, socialize, learn, and connect to resources as needed. Next steps require United Way to complete the THUD forms (once released), plan a capital campaign for match funds, and then being getting bids for the work to be done.

For more information about the United Way and any up-coming events or initiatives, visit or visit United Way on Facebook at Be sure to like United Way on Facebook and follow us on Instagram to be kept up-to-speed on programs and initiatives!

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