I am a huge fan of Rep. Laurel Libby. She is abundantly endowed with the three Cs: Common sense, Courage, and a Constitutional mindset.

In an age where we see laws having “unintended consequences” (usually negative), she looks at the underlying principles. She isn’t eager to get a result if it would benefit us only in the short term, but then later sets a precedent that could be used to hamper our liberty.

I have a hard time keeping up with the goings-on in Augusta. I’m thankful that Rep. Libby takes the time to keep us informed on the bills before the House and the day-to-day activities of the Legislature.

She doesn’t talk out of both sides of her mouth. People will know where she stands when they see her in action, testifying for or against a bill.

She is the real deal.

Audrey Murphy, Auburn

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