POLAND — Regional School Unit 16 voters Tuesday cut $17,601 from the proposed $29.3 million budget for the coming fiscal year.

The administration budget was reduced from $877,601 to $860,000 after the higher amount was rejected by one vote, 36 no, 35 yes via a secret ballot. The amended amount was approved in a hand count, 40 yes to 27 no.

The administration budget includes the superintendent, assistant superintendent and business office.

Superintendent Todd Sanders, who served for one year, is leaving after this school year to relocate in another part of the state.

Throughout the evening, nearly all of the 20 articles in the warrant were questioned to some degree by several voters.

The next step in the budget approval process is a yes-or-no vote June 11 at polling stations in Mechanic Falls, Minot and Poland.

According to Poland Town Clerk Judith Akers, 74 voters from Mechanic Falls, Minot and Poland attended Tuesday night’s session at Poland Regional High School, with 50 from Poland, 14 from Mechanic Falls, and 10 from Minot.

Akers pointed out nearly 9,000 registered voters reside in the three towns.

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