One of the new signs is seen Sunday at Brettuns Pond Beach on Federal Road in Livermore. They list the rules in accordance with the town’s beach ordinance passed last year. Rebecca Richard/Franklin Journal

LIVERMORE — The Livermore Select Board made several key appointments Tuesday and addressed ongoing issues, including enforcing regulations at Brettuns Pond Beach.

The board discussed the new signs installed to enforce the beach ordinance adopted last year. The ordinance was introduced in response to numerous complaints about late-night activities and other disturbances.

“Last year, we adopted a beach ordinance because we didn’t have one,” Selectperson Scott Richmond said. “We were having complaints down there, but without the ordinance, we couldn’t do anything about the complaints.”

The new signs are designed to clearly communicate the rules and operating hours.

“Now it is closed when it is dark,” Administrative Assistant Carrie Judd said. “They put up two big signs. They are amazing. They are huge.”

“Water in Livermore is one of our biggest assets, and to hear people call it ‘diaper pond,’ it hurts,” Selectperson Joshua Perkins said.  I don’t believe it is our residents.”


The signs also clarify that the beach is open from dawn to dusk and police can enforce the regulations. Additionally, it was confirmed that the boat launch, previously thought to be under the jurisdiction of the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, belongs to the town, allowing for local rule-making regarding its use.

Selectperson Mark Chretien recalled the affect of an article in the Livermore Falls  Advertiser in 2018 in which Richmond was quoted: “‘We are going to shut down the beach.” The article reported on serious health and safety issues.

“Boy, did my phone ring,” Chretien said. “Guess what? There were all kinds of volunteers. You have to use reverse psychology once and awhile.”

The board also agreed to install surveillance cameras in 2018 for added protection. Members agreed that the goal is to preserve Livermore’s natural resources and ensure a safe and enjoyable environment.

In other business, Chretien was reappointed board chairman and Brett Deyling was reappointed vice chairman.

A significant focus was on appointments to the Regional School Unit 73 directors.


Directors for Regional School Unit 73 were not chosen April 23 because Administrative Assistant Carrie Judd thought they would be elected during the districtwide budget vote, therefore no ballots were made, Town Clerk Amanda Tyler said previously.

Director Holly Morris’ two-year term ended in April and she did not file nomination papers because she was dissatisfied with recent developments.

On Monday, the board appointed her to a one-year term.

She expressed her commitment to the board, saying, “I am starting to get my feet under me as far as being on the school board. There have been a few issues that have come up that have been important to the residents and myself, and I have tried to vote the right way on those things.”

Danielle Romanoff, a newcomer to the area with a background in mathematics education, was also considered for the position. “I taught at RSU 4 in the past,” she said. “We came back to Maine when my husband retired.”

The board decided to appoint Morris due to her experience.


Richmond noted, “It does take some time to get your feet under you, and since Holly has the experience, that is where I am going.”

Incumbent Andy Sylvester, who initially turned in paperwork for another three-year term. was appointed for one year.

Richmond acknowledged the mistake in not preparing ballots for the April 23 election and appreciated Sylvester’s willingness to accept the appointment, saying, “We screwed up his seat, and he has graciously let us appoint him for one year rather than have a special election.”

Sylvester supported Morris’ appointment, saying, “I have had the pleasure to serve with Holly for the last two years. She has been a great asset. She is learning the mechanics of how things have gone. I think she has represented the town well and will continue to do so.”

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