I support Laurel Libby, running for her third term as state representative.

Though a lifelong Democrat, I’ve always backed candidates who speak fearlessly in supporting their voters, not just their party. Laurel fits the bill; supporting or opposing an issue, she has fought both Democrats and Republicans for the everyday Mainer.

She’s not in Augusta keeping a seat warm; she’s submitted many bills including legislation to repeal income tax, advance school choice, and health care price transparency. She has boldly opposed removing the senior property tax freeze and is against doling out corporate welfare.

Not only does she keep us informed through her website, emails and Facebook live videos, she is approachable and willing to discuss any issue.

Democrats or Republicans looking to vote for someone with a proven record, addressing concerns of her district as well as all people of Maine, should join me in voting for Laurel Libby.

Peter Rybeck, Minot

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