It seems like every time we turn around, the government taxes us more, and we have to work harder and longer just to keep ourselves afloat.

Everything’s costing more these days. But Rep. Laurel Libby pays attention and fights for us.

Last year, the Legislature passed a new 1% payroll tax on Maine’s working people. That’s on top of Maine having one of the highest tax rates in the country and a state budget surplus. A tax on one of us is a tax on all of us.

Rep. Libby was the only representative in Auburn to vote against this tax — the largest tax increase Maine has seen in decades. She has a history of opposing tax increases across the board for all Mainers, something that letter writer Tim McCloskey did not mention.

Rep. Libby would help us keep more of our hard-earned money instead of seeing it taken by the government.

Kevin Murphy, Auburn

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