DEAR SUN SPOTS: This letter is for the Sun Spotter who is looking for a place to get a pedicure because her usual place isn’t open (May 21 Sun Spots).

I found Natasha at Jenerations, 1146 Minot Ave. in Auburn, a few doors down from Mac’s Grill (753-0772). They are open Tuesday through Saturday and they also do hair, massages and facials. I highly recommend Natasha. At my first appointment, I was totally satisfied. — No name, no town

ANSWER: That’s great! Thank you for the recommendation. As for the original question from May 21, does anyone know the story behind why the Beauty Bar in Auburn is temporarily closed?

DEAR SUN SPOTS: I saw all the unclaimed property the State of Maine had in the May 21 Sun Journal so I went to the website on my computer where I typed in Maine unclaimed property and went through all the steps. When I got to the end, it instructed me to pay either $2 or $6 to receive the results. What is up with that? — No name, no town

ANSWER: That could be a simple processing fee. Depending on what you are looking for, you can contact the office of the Maine State Treasurer at 624-7470 or at 1-888-283-2808. You can also email the office with your question at

When I went through the steps at, I didn’t bump into any request for payment. I only put in my last name and got a list of results immediately, discovering that a close relative of mine is owed a refund from a local hospital. I let her know!


DEAR SUN SPOTS: Boy, did you have an interesting column today (May 21 Sun Spots) about the lady named Wanda. I sure hope she notified the Grid Iron owner regarding the day her sister fell in their parking lot and ended up having surgery. The restaurant is covered by insurance for such things.

I also hope she talked to a lawyer about the incident as she may or may not have  a case against the establishment. I know about this firsthand because this same thing happened to me and I ended up having surgery and have been out of work for almost five months now. The establishment where I fell is now paying all my medical bills, etc.

I just love your column. You help so many people. Keep up the good work! — No name, no town

ANSWER: I’m glad you are being taken care of after your injury…and hope you are fully recovered very soon.

I’m not sure of the circumstances of our May 21 reader’s incident but thank you for sharing this information. It’s important to be sure all “i’s” are dotted and all “t’s” are crossed. Sometimes in the moment, we are so flustered that all we want to do is get home to safety.

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