Oak Hill High School senior Landen Denis stands Thursday inside the Precision Machining Technology center at Central Maine Community College in Auburn. He plans on becoming a full-time student at the Auburn college next year. Russ Dillingham/Sun Journal

WALES — Oak Hill High School’s Landen Denis is described as a hardworking student who is caring, personable and with great moral character, Principal Marco Aliberti said.

“My favorite aspect of Landen is his willingness to try new things and be open to new experiences, which lead to an opportunity he may not have had,” he said.

Denis said playing on three high school sports teams taught him how to be a leader and how to achieve success as a team — a skill he will take with him after high school.

Best part of each day?

For me, the best part of each day is entering a classroom I love. This year it was at Central Maine Community College in my Precision Machining program. Other years it has been entering into math and science classrooms — learning what I love.

Worst part of each day?


The worst part of each day was English class, for me. It’s never been a subject that I’ve excelled in and doesn’t spark my interest.

Favorite class or subject? Why?

Precision Machine Technology has easily been my favorite class this year and that’s because of its combination of hands-on learning and math skills, of which I love. I build more interest and passion for it every day, so much that I’ll be pursuing it in my future.

Oak Hill High School senior Landen Denis has been taking classes at Central Maine Community College in Auburn, where he is seen Thursday inside the Precision Machining Technology center. Denis plans on becoming a full-time student at the Auburn college next year. Russ Dillingham/Sun Journal

Favorite teacher or school staff member? Why?

Mrs. Gagnon has been my favorite staff member for all the advice that she’s given me. She would hunt me down and bug me over and over until I applied for my scholarships or signed up for classes. She helped fight my procrastination and I’m realizing now how much she has done for me and helped guide me to where I’m going after high school.

What was the hardest part of high school and how did you find your way through it?


The hardest part of high school was the end of my junior year. I was balancing the schedule of three sports, seven classes (one of them being an advanced placement class) and still keeping time for family and friends. I was able to make it through the end of that year thanks to my parents and teachers who pushed me to get my work done. My parents more specifically raised me to be able to prioritize all my tasks and learn good time management.

How do you think you’ll be remembered by the members of your class?

I would like to think and hope that my class will remember me for my dedication to everything I participated in at Oak Hill and my effort to be loving to all my peers. I hope my class will see the Christian character I aspire to have and remember me for it.

Something you wish teachers and administrators understood about students today?

Leaving Oak Hill, I wish teachers and administrators understood the slack that they give high school students. Students are given so many warnings but no consequence. Discipline is so important to learning; warnings don’t lead to improvement but procrastination.

Advice to all those eighth graders entering high school next year?


For the eighth graders going to high school, apply yourself. Try many different classes and clubs, even if it’s out of your comfort zone. I’ve learned that comfort is never a good thing in life, so like me I encourage you to try something uncomfortable and maybe you’ll find something you love. With this, give your wholehearted effort toward everything you do. Don’t let anyone put you down in this world. I have faith in a man who has victory over the world, Jesus Christ, who made and loves you. Stand out and don’t follow the ways of others. Be a leader not a follower and lead with confidence and effort.

What is next for you after graduation?

After graduation I’m attending Central Maine Community College to pursue Precision Machine Technology. With this, I hope to find a job at a machine shop next year.

This is the sixth article in a series featuring a high school senior, chosen by their principal, from each of the 18 high schools in the Sun Journal’s coverage area.

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