LIVERMORE FALLS — The Select Board will hold two public hearings Tuesday on warrant articles for a special town meeting and a special amusement permit for the Tri-Town 4th of July Parade and festival.

The hearing is set for 5 p.m. at the Town Office.

Articles include voting on a development standards ordinance that combines six ordinances into one. The Planning Board developed the ordinance to comply with new state laws that promote affordable housing. It includes adding accessory dwellings that are at least 190 square feet if they meet setback requirements.

Modular homes, including mobile homes, will no longer be prohibited in the village area as long as they meet the other requirements in the ordinance, Town Manager Carrie Castonguay said.

Another article asks voters if they want use secret ballots for all warrant articles at future town meetings.

Another article addresses a vacant two-year selectman’s seat. No one took out nomination papers for the seat of former Selectman Ernest Souther, who resigned in April. The position could be filled by write-in.

The Tri-Area 4th of July Parade will be held July 3. A special amusement permit is required for it and the Stars and Stripes Festival the same day at the Livermore Falls Recreation Field.

There was no parade last year because of a lack of volunteers. New organizers took to prepare one this year.

The special town meeting warrant will be voted on at the polls from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. June 11 at the Fire Station.

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