WILTON — Voters will consider a proposed $4.9 million municipal budget at 6 p.m. Monday in the Academy Hill School cafeteria.

The Select Board has budgeted $4.9 million for general government, public safety, public works, recreation and social services, and community service. The town anticipates $2.2 million in revenue this year and will be appropriating $400,000 in undesignated funds toward parts of the budget.

The Public Works Department, which covers highway maintenance, vehicle repairs and cemetery maintenance, budgeted $2.23 million, with $351,850 being appropriated toward the cemetery account, equipment purchases and capitol accounts for the public works building and the transfer station.

Article 38 asks voters to authorize the purchase of a firetruck to be owned by the town and shared with the East Dixfield Fire Department, and authorize financing the purchase through a lease-purchase agreement in a principal amount of up to $400,000.

The Select Board would determine the details of the agreement, which would be subject to annual appropriation and equal contribution from the town of Dixfield on behalf of the East Dixfield Fire Department. The article would also authorize selectpersons enter into an interlocal, or other form of agreement with Dixfield.

Article 39 asks voters to appropriate $58,369 from the Comfort Inn Omnibus Municipal Tax Increment Financing District to pay a part of the annual lease/purchase payment for the shared East Dixfield mini pumper firetruck.

Selectperson Phil Hilton was elected Tuesday to another three-year term with 354 votes, Town Clerk Heather Harris said.

Gwendolyn Doak won reelection to a second three-year term as a director on the Mt. Blue Regional School District with 278 votes over challenger Louise Hiltz who received 144 votes, Harris said.

On Monday, voters will be asked to consider 53 articles pertaining to town government.

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