• Marcus L. Sanders, 31, New Sharon, domestic violence assault, Wednesday, Oct. 2, in New Sharon, Franklin County Sheriff’s Office.

• Merle A. Lufkin, 67, Peru, operating under the influence, Wednesday, Oct. 2, in Wilton, $300 bail, Wilton Police Department.

• Jason K. Ouellette, 47, Farmington, domestic violence assault, domestic violence criminal mischief, obstructing a report of a crime, Thursday, Oct. 3, in Farmington, Farmington Police Department.

• Felicia C. Bell, 40, Phillips, violation condition of release, unlawful possession of methamphetamine, unlawful possession of scheduled drug, Thursday, Oct. 3, in Phillips, Franklin County Sheriff’s Office.

• Jamie B. Mondragon, 43, Limington, operating under the influence, carrying a concealed weapon, driving to endanger, violation condition of release, Friday, Oct. 4, in Jay, Jay Police Department.

These entries reflect charges filed against individuals. Entries are not criminal convictions. 

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