RUMFORD — A special town meeting will be held Thursday, with articles regarding replacing the building next to the town’s ice rink, and an easement for the installment of geothermal trenches.

The articles will be acted upon at 6 p.m. in the Rumford Falls Auditorium, prior to the regular Select Board meeting.

One article is to authorize $275,000 from town capital account to replace the building next to ice rink, which was severely damaged in the December 2023 flood in a manner which conforms with guidelines of the Federal Emergency Management Agency for reimbursement to the town which preserves the town’s eligibility for FEMA reimbursement.

The other article is to authorize an easement for 60 Lowell Street LLC for the nonexclusive use of the right of way of the town on Lowell Street, going from Hartford Street to River Street, and for the southerly half of the parking lot situated between Lowell Street and Congress Street, and which is between the structures located at 150 Congress St. and at 154 Congress St., to allow the installment of geothermal trenches on the condition that they shall not impair the public’s ability to use Lowell Street or to use the southerly half of the parking lot and under such terms and conditions that the Select Board deems to be in the best interest of the town.

Comments are not available on this story.

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