The California wildfires remind me that large fires are possible in Maine.

In the ’70s and ’80s a spruce-budworm outbreak killed millions of trees. Salvage efforts caused a clear-cutting controversy, but removed fuel from the North Woods. The only significant fire occurred in Baxter State Park, where “forever wild” management increased fire risk.

Spruce budworm is back in Maine as part of its normal cycle. The state has raised the alarm. It is vital that the state and landowners partner to develop a plan to meet the challenge.

The paper mills that provided a market for dying trees during the last outbreak are gone. Severe droughts are more likely with climate change.

If the budworm impact is severe, in a few years we can expect wildfires on a scale we have not experienced. We all need to support efforts to minimize the outbreak.

David Griswold, Auburn

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