DEAR SUN SPOTS: I am looking for someone who makes custom window drapes and shears. Do you and other readers have recommendations? — No name, Lewiston
ANSWER: In the Rolodex, I have The Window Dresser at 1478 Lisbon St. in Lewiston (, 784-4113). They have a huge inventory of materials, lots of experience and ideas, and competitive pricing. The hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
I’m sure there are other talented individuals in the area who can help you out as well so we’ll let this request simmer for a few days to allow readers to write in with their recommendations and tips.
DEAR SUN SPOTS: I need help with IT assistance, specifically with setting up a chat room. I’m hoping someone local can help me and would like readers to make recommendations. Please contact me at 713-5860. — Curtis, no town
ANSWER: You don’t say what town you live in, but the IT tech at your local library may be able to help you with this. Some local libraries have a tech person who holds help desk hours and you can make an in-person appointment.
In the Rolodex, I have Dustin at D&D Computers (, or 419-9184; The Computer Place (, 783-7232; ACS—Action Computer Services in Lewiston (, 786-8740), and Buck Buchanan at PCS—Professional Computer Services (,, 784-6295.
I would love to get the Rolodex updated as some of the techies I have are no longer in business or have changed their focus. So please help me out and help our reader to get his chat room up and running with your recommendations.
DEAR SUN SPOTS: My case manager mentioned that there’s a place in Lisbon that sells building materials to those with a low income. I have forgotten the name and my case manager is on medical leave. Can you help me find this place? My son can help me get the materials and do a home repair for me that is badly needed. — No name, Auburn
ANSWER: That would be Last Sheaf Building Materials Exchange at 102 Lisbon St. ( They are open Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Saturday from 8 a.m. to noon.
The store offers a variety of new, used and salvaged building materials, tools, and supplies at greatly reduced prices. Anyone can shop there but the greatest discounts are reserved for low-income homeowners and those most in need.
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