RANGELEY — A Public Hearing on proposed improvements along the 35-mile Rangeley Lakes National Scenic Byway is scheduled for 5 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 21, at the Town Office.

The project, which is in the beginning stages of development, includes planning, designing, engineering and constructing two Gateway Connector Hubs on town owned properties that currently serve as parking areas. Both properties will continue to serve as parking areas, but the idea is to integrate them into the byway system, he explained. The areas will include local information and interpretive signage.

The proposed byway project is a joint effort between Maine DOT, the town and Rangeley Lakes Heritage Trust.

One hub will be located on Depot Street in Rangeley; the other at the intersection of Routes 4 and 16 in Oquossoc.

The estimated budget for the project comes in at approximately $735,000. Engineering costs are budgeted at just under $150,000. The bulk of the budget is attributed to construction costs, he added. Costs would be split between local, state and federal funding.

During a Public Hearing on Monday, Nov. 18, Town Manager Joe Roach told the Board of Selectman, “The [Rangeley Lakes] Heritage Trust has a little bit of a buy-in, but the local share is 12 percent, state share is 10 percent, and federal share is 78 percent. As one of our residents pointed out at the last meeting, for every dollar we put in, there will be $8 of non-local funds coming into this project.”

A regular Board of Selectmen meeting will follow the Public Hearing.

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