True Stories and Tall Tales

PHILLIPS —On Saturday, January 25, the Phillips Area Community Center (PACC), 21 Depot Street, will begin the New Year with the ever pop0ular “True Stories and Tall Tales.” The evening of food, fun, and laughter will begin at 6 p.m. with a potluck supper. Admission for those not bringing a dish will be $10 for adults and $5 for children. Speakers for the evening will be Winona Davenport, Tom Saviello, Chris Hardy, Willie Bachelder and Sharon Jones.

This PACC program is underwritten by Central Maine Crane, Dark Star Fabrics, Eastman Park, Bear Belly’s Tap and Table, The Mercantile, Mike and Ginny Auger and Pike Industries. For more information, call 207-639-4296.

Valentine’s Day dinner and dance

JAY — VFW Post 3335 Auxiliary in Jay will hold a Valentine’s Day dinner and dance on February 15. Doors will open at 5 p.m., meal will be served at 6 p.m. and dancing from 7 to 11. Music will be provided by DJ Jason Lee of Rustic Beats. Menu for the evening is prime rib au jus, potatoes, squash, and salad. Dessert will be double chocolate brownies with strawberries and cream
This will be a benefit dance with all proceeds going to the Beal’s House at Togus. Beal ‘s house is a hospitality house for veterans and their families. Price of the tickets  are $40 each. You must purchase your tickets ahead please call 897-2122. Come and join us for a night of dinner and dancing with great music for this great cause. As always thank you all for your continuing support

Trivia Night


FARMINGTON —Trivia Night at the Homestead is back for another lively game of question and answer for a good cause! This popular library fundraiser will be on January 30 at 6:30 p.m. The topics, set by the previous competitors, will be baseball, 80s music, The Big Band Theory sitcom, and Animal Reproduction. Now is the time to band together with a group of friends (or just acquaintances!) and test your knowledge with these varied topics for the chance to win a prize. Prizes will be awarded to the first, second, and third place teams.

Sales begin on January 14 for $5 a ticket. You may stop by the library to purchase tickets or call us during our open hours at 207-778-4312 to reserve them. The library is open Tuesdays 10-6 p.m., Wednesdays and Thursdays 10-7 p.m., Fridays 10-5 p.m., and Saturdays 10-2 p.m. Reserved tickets will be held for three days and must be picked up and paid for at the library. Participants are welcome to play solo or as a group of up to six people. The game begins at 6:30 so we encourage you to get there early to settle in with food and drinks.

For more information contact the Farmington Public Library at 207-778-4312 or email Please note that ticket reservations will only be taken in person or by phone at the library during open hours, not through email. We hope to see you all there for another fun-filled night of trivia!

Poetry Reading

CARRABASSETT VALLEY —Poetry Readings Saturday, January 25, 1:30 to 2:30 p.m., with Maine’s Poet Laureate Julia Bowsma and Dawn Potter at Carrabassett Valley Public Library & Community Center, located at 3209 Carrabassett Drive, Carrabassett Valley, ME.

Flute And Piano Concert

FARMINGTON — ArtsFarmington is pleased to present a flute and piano concert featuring Marvento on Sunday afternoon, March 9, at 2 p.m. The concert will be in Nordica Auditorium, Merrill Hall, UMF, and doors will open at 1:30 pm. Some refreshments will be served after the concert.

The Boston-based musicians are flutist Weronika Balewski and pianist Elizabeth Basconi. Weronika and Elizabeth are performers and teachers who are active as chamber musicians and instrumental teachers. They founded Marvento Duo in 2013 to collaborate as both performers and teaching artists.

Admission $20, more if you can, less if you can’t. All welcome, no one turned away.  Free for UMF students. Youth 18 & under free through our Arts Inspire Youth program. Purchase tickets on our website,, or at the door.  The auditorium is handicapped accessible.  The entrance door to Nordica Auditorium is located on Academy Street at the back side of Merrill Hall. For questions email president@artsfarmington.

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