The Adult Respite Care Program, called HARC (HELP ADULT RESPITE CARE), is a service which provides needed relief for caregivers of cognitively challenged seniors. The program has activities designed specifically to enrich the participants’ daily lives based on their capabilities, experience, interests and personality. This service is open Wednesdays 11 a.m. – 3 p.m., and is located at the lower level of Rangeley Family Medicine, 42 Dallas Hill Rd., and includes lunch and a snack. This program is sponsored by HELP (Helping Elders Live in Place), a program of Rangeley Health and Wellness. For more information, contact Laurie Soucy at (207)864-4397 option 6 or


RANGELEY —Valentine’s Bingo will be held 1-3 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 11 at the Townhouse, 14 School St. Free games, gifts, chocolate milk and sweets. Wear red or pink! For more information, call Mary at 460-4146.


RANGELEY — The Rangeley Public Library will host an in-person Spaghetti Supper featuring Patty Cerminara’s delicious, authentic Italian meat sauce and the entire Cerminara family serving spaghetti and meatballs, garlic bread, salad and dessert. The dinner will be held at Church of the Good Shepherd, 2614 Main St., on Saturday, Feb. 15, from 5 to 7 p.m. Tickets: Adults $20 or Kids (under 12) $10. Buy tickets (cash, check, credit card) in advance at the library (207-864-5529), Or at the door (cash and check only) If you can’t make the supper, pick up a frozen one quart jar of meat sauce for $20. Stop by or call the library at 207-864-5529 and pick up on Saturday, Feb. 15 at the library between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.

OQUOSSOC — Rangeley Sportsmen Club will host its monthly potluck on Thursday, Feb. 20. Social time starts at 5 p.m.; potluck dinner is at 5:30. February’s guest speakers will be representatives from High Peaks Alliance. They will discuss HPA projects and the recently passed $7 million trails bond.


RANGELEY — Rangeley Food Bank welcomes all to stop by every Tuesday 10 a.m.-12 noon at the Church of the Good Shepherd, 2614 Main St. We’ve got lots of good food to fill you up.


RANGELEY — Horse drawn wagon rides will be offered on several dates throughout the winter. Rides will be offered 4-6 p.m., beginning and ending next to Rangeley Adventure Company, 7 Pond St. Upcoming dates: Saturday, Feb. 1 and Saturday, Feb. 8.



RANGELEY — Mahjong on Wednesday afternoons at 1 p.m., at the Townhouse Apartments lunch room, across from the Fire Station. $2 donation. Call Jackie @ 207-557-2503 for questions.

Ecumenical Mah Jongg at the Rangeley Congregational Church Barn, 2 High Street, on 1st and 3rd Mondays 1-3 p.m. This gathering is for beginners and experienced players. It is a perfect opportunity to learn the game. Email Ann Franklin at


RANGELEY — Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings are held on Tuesdays, 7-8 p.m. (Open Discussion), and Saturdays, 7-8 p.m. (Closed Discussion), at the Rangeley Free Baptist Church, 3 Lake St.


RANGELEY — John Meader, owner of The Northern Stars Planetarium, will lead a night sky snowshoe tour beginning at 7 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 31 and Friday, Feb. 28, at  Rangeley Lakes Trails Center, 524 Saddleback Mountain Rd. Learn about constellations, galaxies, and much more! The Night Sky Tours are sponsored by Dark Skies Rangeley, a community-led effort to conserve the dark skies over the Rangeley Region. If weather prevents an in-person event, a virtual tour will be held at 8 p.m. Registration is required. Tickets are $5. FMI or to register: visit the events page at


RANGELEY — Rangeley Public Library, 7 Lake St., offers a weekly story hour for preschool aged children from September until April vacation on Friday mornings at 10 AM. Children are invited to join us, accompanied by an adult, for stories and other early literacy activities. FMI: call 864-5529.


RANGELEY — The Church of the Good Shepherd Thrift Shoppe, 2614 Main Street, is open Friday and Saturday mornings 9 a.m. to noon. It is a place that is shopped by local folks, winter and summer folks, and the Rangeley Friends of the Arts searching for costumes and set decorations. The bargains are amazing and the range of goods diverse. Proceeds from our Shoppe support the operating costs of Good Shepherd and contributes to local, national and international agencies that provide for the poor and needy of the world. The Thrift Shoppe accepts donations of gently worn clothing, jewelry, accessories and household items. (No televisions, large electronics or furniture, please. See full list of items that can not be accepted in the Undercroft) Donations may be dropped off at the Undercroft anytime during the day or evening.

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