After reading the letter from Dr. Frederick Holler (“Lewiston, Auburn face decrease in health care availability,” Jan. 31), I believe we need to continue this conversation as long as it takes for the right people to realize just how close we are to losing, not only the two hospitals in Auburn and Lewiston, but in many parts of the state.

Northern Light Health, the second largest health care organization in the state, is running on an annual $100 million loss over the past several years. Many programs and departments will just be gone.

I work for Northern Light Home Care & Hospice, and I have spoken to nurses and providers that are buying patient supplies out of their own pocket. If someone were running a business or household budget this way they would be out of business or homeless in months. It is crazy.

Gov. Janet Mills needs to stop kicking this can down the road and get this fixed now.

Christopher Good, Auburn

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