In rebuttal to Carole Richard’s letter to the editor on Sunday, June 13, titled ” Media needs to dump Trump,” does she know that neither President Biden nor Vice President Harris have been to view the crisis at the border yet as thousands of undocumented immigrants from dozens of countries are crossing into our country daily? Many are members of drug cartels, criminals and human traffickers who charge these “hopefuls” thousands of dollars to cross. Many get raped along the way and, once here, are flown and/or bussed throughout the country and dropped off in towns and cities that are forced to take them in and support them. Many are likely infected with COVID.

Instead, they should be returned to their own countries from which they came as President Trump had enforced. This mass invasion is the highest in 20 years, up by 674%, according to

​Now cyber hackers were able to hack and cripple our energy grids leaving us with higher prices for gas, food, etc. If hackers can cause this, what stops them from hacking the election? After all, China had much to gain by getting Trump voted out. Just look at the Bidens’ dealings in China.

We were energy independent until Biden signed his first executive order within hours of his inauguration to revoke the permit for the Keystone Pipeline, killing 11,000 good, temporary jobs. Now, we must again deal with countries that hate us — for oil.


It’s obvious that Biden’s dozens of executive orders were intended to undo President Trump’s achievements.

This “infrastructure bill” is out of control. Most of it has nothing to do with infrastructure.

Joe Biden is showing America what a great president Donald J. Trump was.

Joan Villani, Lewiston

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