We felt compelled to share some thoughts about the negative comments that have run rampant since Miss California answered one particular question at the recently televised Miss America Pageant. When she was asked her thoughts on same-sex marriage, she answered in a manner true to her own convictions and faith. She was not rude and did not use insulting words when answering. If she had to answer in the way the pageant judge wanted her to, it would not have been her own opinion.
The United States of America stands for freedom of speech and freedom of religion, and we believe that Miss California had a right to answer the question from her heart. Although there are individuals who disagree with her stance against same-sex marriage, it is very disheartening that some people feel the need to publicly and verbally belittle and insult her. This country was founded as a nation under God, and we, like Miss California, have a right to continue to stand for our biblical beliefs.
However, although we, like Miss California, oppose same-sex marriage, we certainly don’t believe it would be appropriate for us to be verbally cruel and degrading to those who disagree with us. It is our hope that the campaign of name-calling against Miss California will cease. She was asked her opinion and that was what she gave. 
Ray and Dottie (Perham) Whittier, Lewiston

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