Political corruption has now infiltrated even the National Football League. People who have watched some recent games can plainly see how incapable the officiating has become.

For instance, the recent New England Patriots vs. Los Vegas Raiders game, where a Raider touchdown was an obvious out-of-bounds catch but ruled inbounds by the NFL referees and after multiple replay closeups.

Or the recent Indianapolis Colts vs. Minnesota Vikings game — there were two indisputable fumbles by the Colts shown in closeup replay that were ignored by the officials.

It’s like the playing teams are the Republicans and Democrats and the NFL referees are the FBI tilting the outcome of the game to their preferred winner.

We can see how corruption has infiltrated our society in so many ways, causing a descent toward anarchy. The FTX crypto scandal, which has caused so much damage, is just another example of how insidious and entrenched corruption has become in our society.

Look around to what is happening to our world — war, starvation, inflation and economic collapse. A costly price will be paid by all of us for this. The damage to our and the world’s economy will be unimaginable.

I am old enough to remember the last time we approached an economic inflation-driven collapse over 40 years ago, precipitated by political and corporate corruption on a scale much smaller than today’s.

We desperately need honest and honorable citizens and leaders to pull us back from this abyss.

Lawrence Everett, South Paris

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