LIVERMORE FALLS — At the First Baptist Church Of Livermore Falls March 26 service, Kay Watson opened the 10:30 a.m. service with a welcome and announcements for the upcoming week. then we sang two praise songs: “When I Look Into Your Holiness” and “In the Presence of a Holy God”, followed by the call to worship. Organist, Maggie Houlihan. Pianist, Margaret Emery.

Rev. Russ Thayer read from Psalm 99, Verse 9. He led us into prayer time and The Lord’s Prayer. We sang the Hymn, “Worthy Is the Lamb”, followed by happy time, the offertory. Organist Maggie Houlihan, and Margaret Emery, on piano, played the hymn: “Calvary Covers It All”. After a prayer, the Worship Team offered the familiar spiritual: “Ev’ry time I Feel the Spirit”.

To introduce his Sermon, Rev. Russ read Scripture from John 19, Verse 28. The title of the sermon was: “Last Words of Jesus – Thirst”. Rev. Thayer, continuing to preach about the last words uttered by Jesus before He died, explained to us that there were people in the time of Jesus who did not believe that Jesus was human. They did not believe that God could be placed on earth in the form a human person, because God was in Heaven and could not be seen. Therefore, Jesus could not be thirsty. Every time Jesus had expressed human feelings, many people felt He was putting on a show to make them think He was human with human emotions. As He was dying, when He asked for water, He was given vinegar! But Jesus was a real human, and His emotions were real. His love for the human race was so real that He gave His life for us. He came to earth to eliminate our thirst, our thirst for Him and the path He shows us every day. We all have a thirst for the hope, love, and the Christian spirit He offers to us. He gave His life for us, but what do we offer to Him? Do we give Him the best of ourselves?

The service ended with the Hymn, “Hallelujah, What A Savior”, and the Benediction Song: “Savior, Again to Thy Dear Name”.


Coffee is served each Sunday after Worship.


We are collecting canned fruit for the Food Cupboard for the rest of March. In April, we will collect canned peas.

Every Tuesday, there is a Bible Study in the Sturtevant Room at 10 a.m.

Each Thursday, at 11:30 a.m., there is a potluck lunch in honor of Mary King. All ladies are invited.

Also, on Thursday, The Worship Team rehearses in the Sanctuary at 1 p.m.

The next Men’s Breakfast will take place on Saturday, April 8 at 8 a.m.

The next Soap ‘N More Store is on Saturday, April 22, from 9 a.m. to noon.

Our quarterly business meeting will take place on Sunday, April 16, after Worship.

Friday, Game Day, every week from 12:30 – 2:30 p.m.

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