ORONO – On Monday April 6, at Dirigo Pines Inn at 7 P.M in the Penobscot Media room, Sandy Cyrus will be giving a talk on the topic of her journey through India. This talk is open to the public.

Cyrus, the owner of Full Circle Yoga Studio in Orono, has been to India, where she went on a trek with a group of 30 fellow yoga teachers for a two week pilgrimage. She described her trip as stunning, vibrant and intoxicating.

“Have you ever seen a video of the inside of beehive? You know, maybe on one of those nature shows on public television. Was it overwhelming to see all those of creatures, crawling on top of each other in organized chaos? That is the energy of India,” she said. “It’s the humanity. The humanity is relentlessly life affirming. The place is teeming with life and you can’t help but drink it all in.”

Cyrus said poverty and reverence live side by side. Filth and beauty co-exist. Amidst the dust and the dirt and the trash, brilliantly colored silk saris glide by. The intensity of textures, smells and sounds conspire to confront you with the rawness and glory of life. “It is impossible to turn away from any of it,” she said. “The lesson: lean in.”

Cyrus’ talk is free of charge, although donations would be appreciated. This presentation is being sponsored by RSU 26 Adult Education; for more information, call 866-4119 or emailacaballero@rsu26.org.

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