Weather expert will sign copies of his new book
NORWAY — Gregory S. Zielinski will celebrate the publication of his new book about Maine’s famously changeable weather on Saturday, June 20, at Books N Things.
He will sign copies of “Conditions May Vary,” published by Down East Books, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Books N Things, 430 Main St.
With its mountains, rolling hills, flat farm country and rock-bound coast, Maine’s geography is enough to invite a variety of weather conditions. But as Zielinski, former state climatologist,  proves in his “Conditions May Vary,” much more comes into play. Jet stream, cold Canadian air masses, ocean temperature and other factors contribute to the challenges of predicting the weather in Maine.
Zielinski is a former research professor at the University of Maine. He is the author of “New England Weather, New England Climate.” He has taught courses on climate and meteorology and has written more than 50 articles on the subject.  He currently resides in Orono.

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