LISBON —  American Legion Combs-Mountfort Post 158 marked its 98th birthday and Past Commanders Remembrance with speakers, a dinner and dance.

Among those addressing the crowd was Post 158 Adjutant Jim Veilleux, 1st Vice Commander Ron Saindon, who read the names of the 39 commanders since 1945 and Post Auxiliary 1st Vice President Cindy Pomelow, who read the names of the 38 Auxiliary presidents since 1947.

Sergeant-at-arms Rusty Pomelow told the crowd, “As we come together to celebrate the 98th birthday of the American Legion and to honor those who have served as leaders at Combs-Mountfort, let us remember how this great organization came to be.

“As we enjoy the camaraderie and festivities of this day, we must remember our roles as past commanders and presidents are not over,” he said. “It is up to us to mentor and nourish those who will carry on the struggle to protect the rights and privileges of our returning soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines. It is through the combined efforts of all that the American Legion will remain the world’s strongest veterans’ organization.”

Chaplain Louis Craft gave the benediction.

1st Vice Commander Ron Saindon of American Legion Combs-Mountfort Post 158 of Lisbon.

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