In response to the city fathers’ plans to invest millions into the various gateways of Lewiston in view of attracting new businesses and, I suppose, new tax-paying property owners, our only comment is: First, fix the streets.

Their current abominable condition is a source of irritation (not to mention flat tires, alignment problems and potential broken axles) to residents and visitors alike. Cow paths are smoother and flatter.

In order to attract businesses and new citizens, travel within the city should be as free of road hazards as possible. Winter is not the explanation. The streets and roads were filled with holes, ruts and bumps prior to winter. The German autobahn has to be repaved only every 20 years, compared to our every three or four years. Germany has as much cold and snow as Lewiston does.

Could our government’s need to make work to keep our Public Works Department and their subcontractors gainfully employed be partly to blame? The digging and patching of Pleasant Street and Webber Avenue during last fall and winter have only resulted in the wash-boarding of those roads.

We say, use the property taxes to fix our roads, not to put in fountains and parks at the entrances to the town. Those are frills that should come after town necessities.

The second installment of property taxes will shortly be due. Perhaps a taxpayer revolt should be considered until a realistic resolution of the dichotomy between our officials’ fantasies and the citizens’ needs is achieved.

Robert and Claire Flint, Lewiston

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