On May 1, I received in the mail two new health plan ID cards for our supplemental insurance. These cards were accompanied by an insert stating “Important Information About Your New ID Cards.” There are no changes to your plan, it said. Your benefits remain exactly the same. Next is apparently the “Important Information.” You will notice, it said, that the “suitcase” symbol no longer appears on the front of your new ID cards.

As a retired state employee, these cards were issued to thousands of retirees, and I’m sure thousands of others who have the suitcase symbol on their cards. I can’t imagine what removing this symbol costs, but it has to be in the tens of thousands of dollars and will be passed on to us subscribers as part of the next premium increase.

There should be an outcry of anger from anyone who received this mailing. Hopefully, people will start calling the insurance company, the state and their representatives to complain about this irresponsible spending of our premium dollars.

Everyone wants property tax reform. Health insurance is another big issue that we should ask for more accountability, as this type of expenditure is totally unacceptable.

As for the suitcase symbol, the insurance company knows what they can do with it.

Richard Smith, Lewiston

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