I do not believe gambling will be good for Maine.

However, if we do not get into the game, New Hampshire might and there goes more money to New Hampshire that could stay in Maine. If we are to have casinos, I believe everyone or anyone should have the same privileges as American Indians.

If not, then they should only be able to build their casinos on their tribal lands. They should not be permitted to purchase land anywhere they please, and it becomes, in fact, part of their tribal land and have more privileges than any other Americans do.

If casinos are such a good thing, then lets build them all over the state. If this were done, the profits of this one casino would certainly be diminished. Then the money this one casino makes would not go to Las Vegas. The Las Vegas people with their large amount of money are just using the Indians to get the casino here in Maine.

Bob Soucy, Lewiston

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