Thanks to Kenneth Carstens for his South African perspective on what it means to lose and gain personal freedom and due process of law. (Sept. 2)

There are 153 towns across the nation that have petitions to roll back or repeal the Patriot Act. Congress is responding to this public outcry with a variety of bills. In late July, the House of Representatives, in an overwhelmingly bipartisan effort, agreed to an amendment that would prohibit federal law enforcement from carrying out “sneak-and-peek” searches, seizing business and personal records, without notification.

In the Senate, The Library, Bookseller and Personal Records Privacy Act puts safeguards to protect law-abiding citizens. S.1552-Protecting the Rights of the Individual has been introduced by Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Ark., and co-sponsored by Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore.

Our congresspeople should support these efforts to keep us safe without compromising our freedom.

Jan Kubiac, Albany Township

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