LEWISTON – Lynn Ross of Litchfield, with 20-plus years of writing and editing experience, will lead a new writing class in Lewiston Adult Education’s winter/spring program beginning Thursday, March 8.

“I taught ‘Writing for Pleasure and/or Profit’ to test the waters last fall,” she said, “and the talent in that class absolutely blew my socks off. Maine people are noted for being hard workers, but many students went to jobs all day, attended classes at night, dealt with hundreds of details involved with raising families I don’t know when, cranked out copy between classes, and sat through lectures without falling asleep. They wrote some stupendous stories, and their dedication makes me even more enthusiastic about working with writers.”

The major focus of “Writing for Publication” will be for students to write outside of class on a subject of their choosing, read what they’ve prepared during class and receive feedback from Ross and other students.

The course is not limited to those who took Ross’ previous class, but students should have a basic knowledge on how to submit their work to publishers.

“It doesn’t matter where they learned this,” said Ross, “from me, someone else, books, figured it out on their own, whatever. If they have that, they’ll be fine. If they don’t, I hope to teach another beginner’s course next September.”

“Writing for Publication” will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursdays for five weeks at Lewiston High School. A second five-week session will begin April 26. Students may register for either or both sessions.

For information about the class, call Ross at 268-4687. To register, call Lewiston Adult Education at 795-4141 or visit www.lewistonadulted.org.

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