Library trustees to meet

DIXFIELD – Ludden Memorial Library Board of Trustees will meet at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 4. Agenda will include minutes of last meeting, Treasurer’s report, audit, rug cleaning, community room, frequency of trustee meeting, library policies and refreshment table for dedication.

Ludden library Amnesty month

DIXFIELD – November is Amnesty month at Ludden Memorial Library on all overdue books. Bring in any overdue book and you will not be charged any fine during the month of November. All that is asked is that you bring a non-perishable food item to be donated to the local food cupboard.

Elks to hosts supper

RUMFORD – The Rumford Elks Lodge #862 will hold a harvest supper from 5 to 7 p.m., or until sold out, Friday, Nov. 7. Dick Welch and crew will be busy in the kitchen preparing roast beef and gravy, potatoes, carrots, turnip, squash, onions, rolls, coffee and milk. Homemade pies and squares for dessert.

Proceeds from the supper will be used for youth activities. This is open to the public. It is asked that you use the Exchange Street entrance. Cost for adults is $6 and children 12 and under $3. Take-out orders will be available.

Museum nears completion

WOODSTOCK – The Woodstock Historical Society Museum is virtually complete at the beginning of the new Millennium and the society’s 25th year. The Historical Society was organized in November of 1979 and its collections have since grown to be among the most impressive of any society in the area. The museum’s two floors are now nearly full though Curator Larry Billings notes a few “select, fine artifacts may still be added.”

The museum is billed as a Historical and Cultural Center for the area and a representative New England Museum. This ambitious title is justified by the exhibits and excellent library. Among items on display are art, local memorabilia, furniture, glass, china, quilts, costumes, tools, tins, jewelry, postcards, a switchboard and phones, old photos, documents, toys and the library books. Musical instruments and autographed photos of singers and musicians of the heyday of the Summer Music Camp are an added bonus.

The research library is also quite remarkable. It includes the books of local historian Ruby Emery in manuscript form, volumes of history in general and Maine and New England history in particular, literature books and works on religion and Philosophy, nature, antiques, crafts, minerals, gardening, hunting and fishing, cooking, art, travel and biography. In short, nearly everything people in the area could want is included.

The museum will be open for one more meeting which will be held at 7 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 8, when Mary Billings will be playing records on her antique phonograph and the society will celebrate the beginning of its 25th year. Curator Larry Billings has given a chandelier and reproduction weather vane to mark the occasion.

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