Boy, I can’t believe how small some print has become. You know that old saying about always reading the fine print? Well, the fine print has become way too fine to read.

I have long suspected that product manufacturers have been making the print for the list of ingredients smaller and smaller because they didn’t want the consumer to know what’s really in the product. I was sort of thinking it was a conspiracy to keep us in the dark about what we’re eating.

The other day I tried to read the dose instructions on a bottle of cough syrup and it was nothing but a blur. It doesn’t seem likely that dose information would deliberately be made too small to read.

I guess I have to face the facts that my aging eyeglasses are no longer suitable for my aging eyes. I can’t say for sure when this progression into blurriness came about, but it seems like only yesterday that I could read the fine print on anything. I really do need to get my eyes examined and update my glasses.

The prospect caused me to wonder just how long eyeglasses have been in existence. A little research satisfied my curiosity, but I was surprised to find that the invention of better vision came about sometime in the late 13th century.

The early eyeglasses were discs of curved glass connected with a piece of metal, which rested on the nose. Breathing through the nose was somewhat impaired and head movement was limited in order to keep the glasses in place.


It wasn’t until sometime in the 18th century that rigid frames with ear loops were invented.

Now, the difficulty is picking frames. Have you seen how many different ones are available these days? It’s a massive amount!

When I got my first pair of glasses at age 15 frame choices were more limited and primarily plastic. Cat’s-eye style had just come into vogue and I chose a pair in black studded with a lot of rhinestones. I thought I looked like a movie star when in reality I looked ridiculous. But, hey, I was a teenager; I didn’t know any better.

Now I’ll look for something a bit more discreet, and though I know I’ll have a hard time making up my mind I think something in a wire frame will do just fine.

As long as I don’t have to go through life like Mr. Magoo and there are no rhinestones involved I’ll be happy. As long as I can read the fine print I’ll be even happier.

The way I see it, well, I can’t really see the way I see it. I’ll get back to you on that when my vision is greatly improved.


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