Reed Potter, a first year 4-H member from New Vineyard, brought some of his chickens to the Franklin County University of Maine Extension open house June 19. A member of the Supper on the Table 4-H Club, he is raising turkeys, meat birds and a lamb this year. Livermore Falls Advertiser photo by Pam Harnden



FARMINGTON — A century of programs and services provided by University of Maine Cooperative Extension’s Franklin County office was celebrated Wednesday afternoon, June 19.

One side of Meetinghouse Prk was filled with 4–H members, some of their animal projects and their leaders. Some 4–H clubs or individual members had set up displays of their project work and results.

Tara Marble, 4–H Youth Development Professional, said they were having to contend with the wind. Some items were moved to the ground.

“There are quite a few 4–Hers here. They have plenty to tell you,” she said.


Jason Bagley had his market lamb, Blizzard on a lead. The lamb will be auctioned at Fryeburg Fair in October.

Bagley has been a 4–H member for six years and shown lambs for four. He is a member of the Franklin County Dairy and Supper on the Table 4–H clubs.

“I have Ayrshires and Milking Shorthorn dairy animals to show. Milking Shorthorn is one of the best breeds. They’re docile,” he said.

16 year old Caitlin Pierce of Industry is a member of the Dusty Boots 4–H Club, having joined when she was five. She brought her horse Rosie and a miniature horse, Daisy with her. She also shared photographs of her 4–H activities from her laptop.

“I started riding when I could walk. I do it all (the different show class categories),” she said.

Blake Fernald is another member of the Dusty Boots. The eight year old from Farmington has been a member for three years.


Carriann Crockett of New Sharon is a member of another horse 4–H club, the Giddy Up and Go club. Originally founded by Janine Winn of Temple, it now meets in New Sharon while Winn serves in the Peace Corps.

John and Marianne Perry of Readfield once lived in Franklin County. John still serves on Franklin County Extension’s Executive Board. They had stopped to talk with Reed Potter about his chickens.

“I saw these lovely little animals and all the people who wanted to talk with the kids,” Marianne said.

Potter is a first year member with the Supper on the Table 4–H Club. He is raising turkeys, meat birds and a lamb named KayKay.

Jason Bagley was eager to explain the display he and his brother, Andrew had put together. Jason talked about a trip to the University of New Hampshire where he saw an actual cow’s stomach.

“Cows have four stomachs, they are called ruminants. People only have one stomach,” he said.


Andrew then discussed the proper way to hold a chicken.

Jason has made letters to send to potential buyers for his market lambs.

“It’s fun coming up with ideas for a market letter. I made different ones for different buyers. You never know what they want,” he said.

Bradley Smith brought his Dutch Belted dairy heifer while Johnathan Cliche had his Jersey heifer on display.

Smith represented Franklin County at Citizen Washington Focus and Eastern States Exposition. He was also a member of an Envirothon team that competed in Presque Isle.

Isabelle Foss of Temple stopped to talk with Jason Perreault of New Vineyard. Perreault is a leader for the Rabbiters 4–H Club.


“Raising meat rabbits is new to us. It’s been fun, interesting,” he said.

“I’m happy to see agriculture coming back in Franklin County. It seems like its perking up a bit,’ Foss said.

Perreault said, “Several are homesteading. I like the community aspect of our group.”

In the Extension office itself, several staff members were on hand to greet visitors, answer questions or reminisce about the past.

Displays of trophies, ribbons, club scrapbooks and other artifacts from 4–H were displayed. Several Extension Homemaker groups also had displays set up.

Maine AgrAbility Project Coordinator Lani Carlson had several adaptive tools on display.


“This telescoping rake is lighter weight. The D–ring handle helps the operator to adapt, It can be used seated or standing, making it easier to work,” she said.

Franklin County Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Trisha Mosher stopped by to show her support. She commented on the large variety of baked goods that had been prepared by members of the county’s Extension Homemakers groups.

“This is wonderful. You have a great turnout,” she said.

Wilton Day Extension Homemaker Secretary Mary Kalel said, “We do things other than cook.

“I joined two years ago. I had worked two or three jobs for 40 years. When I retired I didn’t want to be wrapped into a schedule. I was happy to join the Homemakers. It gave me a way to do things on my own time.

“I made myself a five year promise: ‘What I want, when I want, if I want,” The Homemakers fit.”


Kitty Gee of Chesterville shared information about the Garden Angel program. It provides raised beds for the elderly or those who are physically challenged so they can continue to grow their own produce or flowers.

Rick Barr who served as the agricultural Extension Agent in Franklin County for 22 years was seen talking with Hannah Carter, Maine’s new Extension Director, and John Prichard, an Extension Program Administrator who works out of York County.

Administrative Specialist Tiffany Wing discussed with Wilton Select Chairperson Tiffany Maiuri the tick identification and disease screening service now offered by UMaine Cooperative Extension in Orono. For $15 Maine residents can submit ticks to the tick lab to be tested for the causative agents of the three most common tick–borne diseases (Lyme disease, anaplasmosis and babesiosis).

Jody Bean Palmer said she was very impressed with the youth who shared information about their 4–H projects.

“You don’t often see kids with that level of professionalism, sophistication,” she said.

Jason Bagley is seen with his market lamb. Blizzard that will be auctioned at Fryeburg Fair in October. Livermore Falls Advertiser photo by Pam Harnden



Franklin County Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Trisha Mosher stopped by Extension’s open house June 19. Members of Extension Homemaker groups provided the refreshments. Livermore Falls Advertiser photo by Pam Harnden









At the 100th anniversary open house for Franklin County Extension June 19, former agent Rick Barr visited with Extension Program Administrator John Prichard and Maine’s new Extension Director Hannah Carter. Livermore Falls Advertiser photo by Pam Harnden

Equine 4-H members from left Caitlin Pierce, Blake Fernald and Carriann Crockett were available to talk about their projects at the open house celebrating 100 years of Extension in Franklin County June 19. Livermore Falls Advertiser photo by Pam Harnden



Chesterville Extension Homemaker member Linda Gramlich is seen with Bill Crandall. She was selling raffle tickets to raise money for 4-H scholarships at the open house celebrating 100 years of Extension in Franklin County June 19. Livermore Falls Advertiser photo by Pam Harnden


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