As I watched Robert Mueller’s testimony last week, I was ashamed and angered at the lack of respect displayed by some of the Republican men and women.

Mueller has been nothing but honorable, trustworthy and respected during his life of service to the United States of America.

I sat there in disbelief as several Republicans showered Mueller with disrespect for a man who has a Bronze Star and Purple Heart for service to his country.

I recognize their right to ask questions, however, it was not done with any kindness or civility. I am sure some of those asking questions have not offered the kind of service in dangerous situations that Mueller has provided for this country.

As an American, it saddens me to see the erosion of civility that begins with the language coming from the White House and now permeates the legislative branches and the population in general.

What kind of example are we showing our children?

Nancy Pinkham, Leeds

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