Lewiston now has a brand spanking new elementary school — the Robert V. Connors Elementary School. The only thing it needs now is more custodians to clean the school. It’s not just that school, but all the schools. It is pretty bad when the people who actually clean the areas of their school are never appreciated.

The school committee has got to start setting aside more funds to help hire and equip custodians. I know because I was one for a few years. We are always running out of stuff or couldn’t get equipment we needed because of budget constraints.

Some custodians can’t finish their areas well because more and more things are added to the classrooms.

If people think Connors looks good now, wait a couple months.

That goes for any of the schools.

The schools should limit the amount of stuff a teacher can set up in his or her classroom. If they add something, they should take something out. When you have a class taking up a whole hallway to clean it, there is a problem there.

Oct. 2 was Custodian Appreciation Day. If they haven’t yet, folks might show a little recognition for all that custodians do.

Clem Bechard, Lewiston

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