I think that viruses are so tiny and light that they could be thought of as similar to dust (even lighter). That given, I suggest that people ought to be pictured as “Schroeders.” You might recall the little guy in Peanuts trailing a blanket with a dust cloud about him? That’s all of us. And now the cloud contains coronavirus. You can get it all over you if you get too close, for sure.

One might think outside is fine but I would guess not so much, especially in crowds downwind in a breeze. You can get it all over you if you get too close for sure, but that “cloud” could trail people (like certain odors) and we could walk through it. Tada,   we breathe in the cloud.

That seems reasonable to me and should increase the danger.

The positive side of all this could be that since God has our number, it’s going to happen one way or another when he deems it’s our time.

The vast majority who survive will be trained germophobes and healthier for it. All things work for the good?

How’s that?

Jared Bristol, Hebron

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