Why does Central Maine Power find it necessary to spend millions on television and newspaper ads to tell the public how they are keeping the power on, etc., and millions more on contracts for a project that may or may not happen? The company seems to ask for rate increases every time you turn around and then squanders the money on advertising.

The company is a monopoly; it should not have to advertise. CMP should take all that money spent on advertising and put on more crews and trucks so it can maintain the lines better. And when an outage occurs, it wouldn’t be days and relying on out-of-state and Canadian crews to make repairs.

That would create those Maine jobs CMP talks about, make the system more reliable and would lower electricity rates, which would make Maine more competitive. It would also go a long way to rebuilding faith in the company that it seeks.

As long as CMP wastes money on useless ads, the PUC should not allow any rate increases.

Brent Gay, Livermore Falls

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