Letter writer Robert Casimiro promotes a common myth — that climate science is unproven (Sun Journal, June 12).

To counter this misinformation, I encourage reading “The Scientific Guide to Global Warming Skepticism.” It’s available online and provides an excellent summary of the lines of evidence that have led 200 science academies throughout the world, including the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, to conclude that climate change is human-caused. Consider that the Israel Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Sciences of the Islamic Republic of Iran agree on this issue.

If one is serious about examining the issue of human-induced climate change, the place to start is understanding why scientists believe it.

In reality, however, the climate debate isn’t about science — it’s about the role of government. Many conservatives dismiss evidence of climate risk because they fear that acceptance of this evidence will lead to greater government intrusion in people’s lives. Science is a proxy debate. Ever wonder why we don’t hear scores of angry voices claiming that HIV doesn’t cause AIDS? It’s because that scientific conclusion doesn’t threaten deeply held values.

It is encouraging, however, that a number of thought leaders on the right are stepping forward to offer bold, effective limited-government solutions to the climate crisis. This includes Rep. Francis Rooney, former Republican congressman Bob Inglis, and Jerry Taylor, president of the Niskanen Center. I strongly recommend reading Taylor’s thought-provoking essay, “The Alternative to Ideology.”

We’re in this together. Let’s reach across divides and find a way to fight climate change.

Terry Hansen, Hales Corners, Wisconsin

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