Wilton Select Board Agenda

6 p.m. Tuesday, December 15, 2020

***As a result of the COVID-19 crisis the Board has determined to conduct this meeting via remote access as provided in LD 2167 (Part G). As required by law, all votes taken at this meeting will be taken by roll call. For information on participating in this meeting please access the town of Wilton website, www.wiltonmaine.org or the town of Wilton Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/TownOfWiltonMaine/ or for comments on the agenda, call the Wilton town office at 645-4961.***

Pledge of Allegiance

Select Board agenda

I. Minutes of the Select Board meetings of Dec. 1, 2020


II. RSU 9 School Board of Directors report – Cherianne Harrison

III. Wilton water department

A. Discussions with No. Jay water department

B. Rt. 2 D.O.T. Project

IV. Depot St./Rt. 156 consideration of engineering/rehabilitation project

V. Update of Highway Department sidewalk tractor


VI. Review of marijuana ordinance revisions

VII. Forster Mill geotechnical report

VIII. Consideration of letter to Franklin County Commissioners

IX. Manger’s report

A. Wilson Lake retaining wall update

B. Holiday schedule

X. Other business



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