I was glad to see Robert Schaible’s column (“Sen. King complicit in Israel’s Big Lie,” March 21) that sheds light on the Palestinians’ dire situation under Israeli occupation, which continues with the support of the U.S. government and U.S. taxpayer dollars.

I’m also pleased that Sen. King responded, but I’m dismayed that while he’s waiting for a “solution” to magically appears, Palestinians suffer daily.

In the fall of 2019 (before COVID) I was with a large group of Mainers who had an extended work/stay in the West Bank. It was obvious that although the Oslo Accord has many good points, it has not deterred the Israeli government from imposing so many restrictions on Palestinians that they can barely travel within the West Bank, and have major difficulties getting water, goods and especially medicines. (And now COVID vaccines.)

Nor do the Palestinians have safety as they face harassment from ever-present Israeli soldiers and violent “settlers.”

Perhaps the worst of it is the ongoing destruction of their olive trees, farms, homes and even entire villages. Plus, the threat to their lives. All in the effort to force Palestinians to leave the West Bank (for where?), so it can be completely taken over by Israelis.

While there, we heard about this and saw this. This all goes on while Sen. King waits. I’m appalled.

On a positive note: Rep. Chellie Pingree understands this injustice and is active to fight it. She does Maine and Maine values proud.

Joan Grant, Portland

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