I am a waitress. I have worked in the food service industry for almost all my life

In March of 1999, I testified in support of L.D. 1349, the bill that removed secondhand smoke from Maine restaurants.

I know that the big issue with the restaurant legislation was the fear that restaurants would lose business if their customers could no longer smoke. Well, I have to say that working at a brew pub in the heart of Maine ski country, we have not seen any decrease in business at all. The smokers just step outside for their smoke, and most do so without complaint.

I appreciate being able to work in a smoke-free environment and thank the Legislature for its part in this. However, many of my friends have not been allowed the same opportunity to breathe clean air at their workplaces.

I applaud legislators who have taken this next step supporting L.D. 1346. Let’s give bar workers the same protection from secondhand smoke that the rest of us enjoy!

Deborah Cayer, Andover

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