JAY – Selectmen will consider a recommendation Monday from the state transportation department to prohibit parking on Route 4 from Otis Street to Elm Street.

The road is a narrow a section of road that is supposed to have 12-foot travel lanes. The town has had white parking lines on the street for about 12 spaces for years.

Highway Department Foreman John Johnson said at the last meeting that he was not in favor of painting the lines for parking due to the narrowness of the road. The state Department of Transportation is not going to allow any parking along the strip after the Route 4 construction project is done.

Town Manager Ruth Marden said that the DOT recommended that there be no parking in the section.

It was also noted, Marden said, that if the town painted the lines, although it’s not illegal for the town to do so, there could be some liability if there were an accident.

The selectmen’s meeting will follow a public hearing on a tax-enhancement agreement for International Paper at 6:30 p.m. Monday at the Middle School cafeteria.

During their meeting, selectmen also plan to discuss whether the town is interested in buying 26 acres for $35,000 on Elm Street and discuss amending the tax-assessment process on buildings to prevent decreases in homestead and veterans exemptions, and tree growth reimbursements.

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