Outrage, disbelief and total mouth-dropping numbness is what I felt when I read, (April 8) that CEO Larry C. Glasscock of Anthem Inc. is receiving $42.5 million in cash and stock options as a reward for the health insurer’s rapid growth over the past three years.

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at the absurdity of that kind of reward. I wonder how much Mr. Glasscock pays for insurance premiums; does he get his free as more compensation for a job well done?

How can an insurance company raise our premiums with one hand and then, with the other, give out this kind of merit reward. It just does not make sense to me.

Please, someone explain it to me so that the next time I write a check to pay insurance costs, I don’t have this vision of Mr. Glasscock looking down at me with his hand open waiting for my money. Mr. Glasscock can enjoy his millions, and here’s hoping that they raise our premiums high enough that you get another $45 million in three years for a job well done again.
Nancy Cyr, Lewiston

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