I am a true native of Maine. I was born, raised and educated in this state. Fortunately, I have funded my college education through college loans and financial aid, which now have mounted to $50,000. I have five college degrees, which include two master’s. However, I continue to be rejected when looking for a job.

Then there is the issue of Gov. Baldacci and his staff. They frequently advertise for new graduates (working to keep them in the state), but then send out rejection letters that contain errors and that say I am not qualified. He continues to talk big and has even started a campaign to keep Maine graduates in Maine. That has proven to be a political attempt to raise his ever-declining popularity.

I am a 28-year-old woman who has had to move back home because I cannot find employment that will compensate my mounting college debt. I have been actively searching for a full-time position within this state for over a year. I am not just a person who skirted by in college. Rather, I am a member of Delta Mu Delta, President’s List, Who’s Who, a published author, with a 3.67 GPA, yet unemployable in this state.

It is ironic that our state slogan is “Maine, the way life should be.” The only way that is true is if our forefathers meant living in poverty and unemployed.

Amanda L. Woodbury, Freeport

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