What is going on here? Back in the 1950s, the state told all egg and chicken farmers that because of wild bird diseases, they had to put all chickens and turkeys in cages. Is that the law now?
There are hundreds of buildings that used to house chickens, from Lisbon, Greene, Waterville and beyond, that are empty now or used for storage.
There is a group of people out there causing many chicken and egg farmers in the Carolinas to quit the business because of harassment.
I think these people are after the nation’s food supply. They have harassed pig farmers, chicken and egg farmers, cattlemen, corn farmers, wheat farmers and many others. They are after all food-producing people in the United States and Canada.
My choice for eggs, between free run or in cages, would be from chickens in cages, every time, because that protects consumers from bird diseases such as salmonella.
Lawrence J. Dudzic, Lewiston

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