Looking back

100 years ago, 1909
According to a statement said to have been made by Commissioner Gillman, the Maine fairs will have to “Walk in the straight and narrow path” this fall. Games of chance and other questionable features will not be allowed in the midways if the societies expect to get the State stipend. All of the fairs will be carefully watched, it is said, and those who violate the provisions under which the State stipend is given will be deprived of said stipend.

50 years ago, 1959
Lake Auburn is open to fishing but Game Warden Philip J. Mahaney issued a reminder last night to anglers about the new regulation prohibiting use of live bait at the lake.
The new law became effective April 22 after it was signed by Gov. Clinton A. Clausen.
It was designed to keep undesirable species of fish out of the lake where an extensive program has been carried on the last few years to clear out the rough fish.
Prohibiting use of live bait, smelts, shiners and minnows of any kind as live bait is one method of reducing introduction of undesirable types of fish into the lake, which is being converted back to its former status as a salmon lake.

25 years ago, 1984
Auburn city officials and New England Ethanol Products heads were ecstatic Tuesday night when they learned the Legislature had approved a tax exemption for alcohol-mixed fuels.
The bill was needed, NEEP heads said, to sell equity to get enough money to build the plant. Peter DeAngelis, NEEP general manager, has told legislators that without the exemption there would be no ethanol plant in Auburn.
But after a long fight that spanned two legislative sessions and involved many hearings and meetings, the House and Senate both approved the bill and will send it along to the governor for his enactment.

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