Hillary Eaton is marketing director at Austin Associates by day and artist by night.
As marketing director for an Auburn accounting firm, Hillary Eaton’s days are spent in the corporate world.
As an artist, her nights are spent in a world of pastels and prints.
Some people might have trouble juggling the two, but not Eaton. The 30-year-old is as comfortable talking about her astrological sign (Virgo) as she is using corporate buzz words like “synergy” and outlining emerging demographics.
To her, it’s all about balance.

Name: Hillary Flynn Eaton
Age: 30
Hometown: Kingfield
Current town: Richmond
Married, relationship or single? Married
Job: Marketing director for Austin Associates, PA, CPAs
How did you get involved in that? After I attended college directly out of high school, I earned a bachelor of fine arts degree and began my own business creating and selling my artwork. While attending business school for an undergraduate degree in 2006, I began working in a corporate environment. That role evolved into heading up all marketing efforts for the company. I realized that the synergy between creativity, business and a desire to connect with people was leading me to a career in marketing.
What do you do when you aren’t at your day job? I run my own small business, creating and selling fine art commissions, share artwork via the Web at www.hillaryeaton.com, I love to spend time in the garden, visit with family and friends and meet new people. I’ve been called a “consummate networker.” I love it.
You’re a member of YPLAA. Why YPLAA? The statewide network being created by Realize!Maine, a program of the Maine Development Foundation, is a tremendous asset for our state. As one of several regional groups affiliated with Realize!Maine, YPLAA is providing the 20- to 40-year-old demographic (including emerging leadership) in Androscoggin County an opportunity to connect, serve our communities, access personal and professional development resources and get together to have fun. The importance of Maine’s 20-40 demographic being involved in planning, developing and moving this region and state into the future is essential.
To you, what’s the best thing about being in L-A? The vibrancy of this local business community. The enthusiasm buzzing around L-A is infectious and that fuels potential!!
What kind of art do you do? Oils, pastels, charcoal, graphite, mixed media, graphic design — I guess you could say that I dabble in several forms of creativity, and my subject matter really depends on my mood and what inspires me at the time. Thanks to L/A Arts, I will be exhibiting several pieces in the “Art & Ales” window at Gritty’s from July 24 through August 27!
How did you get into art? I’ve always been artistic, and even though I’ve chosen not to be a studio artist full-time, I recognize that my life is more enjoyable and complete when I nurture my creative side. Now, between business development for Austin Associates and time in my studio, I focus on the aesthetic, the message and the meaning behind it all.
Does your work ever impact your art? My work does impact my art and the opposite is also true: my art impacts my work. I consider this countereffect my way of maintaining balance. To attain balance it seems essential that you enjoy the people, environment and tasks that you choose to have fill your time. I am fortunate to have these things, and it requires a lot of hard work.
How do you find time to do everything? Sometimes it boggles my mind how many things I manage to juggle! I’m grateful to be a Virgo. I think it is a powerful reminder that the effort I make today impacts my future and possibly the future of those around me. When I set a goal or say I will do something, I follow through and give it my best effort. The more that I commit to and work hard to achieve, the more impactful my life becomes. That motivates me.

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