I have a serious problem with my government’s spending problem. Over 1.7 trillion dollars in under six months, that is more debt that has been composed over the last 30 YEARS. If you’d like to see how this is going to play out for the American citizen, just look to the Japanese and the English. Clean streets and great civil service, but indebted to a point they will never recover from.
— JAL, 19

My gripe is the large piece of pavement missing going from Lewiston to Auburn on the Vietnam Veterans bridge on the Lewiston side. Is it too big to patch? Are we waiting for it to get bigger? It covers the whole lane. Do we need to post all the potholes in town to be fixed? Is public works so stretched out they don’t notice or do they never cross the bridge?
signed, loose front end

My gripe is when you open up the paper to go to the sports page and find out that there’s no box scores of the major league baseball scores. Also that there’s very little about the Portland Sea Dogs, sometimes no scores or standings.
— Signed,
An avid sports fan

My gripe is the color that the new St. Mary’s clinic has chosen for their siding. The building going up across from Gracelawn Cemetery in Auburn doesn’t have a soothing blue or tan for the outside for patients to see as they arrive for a visit. Instead they have chosen a dark rusty color reminiscent of dried blood. Being across from a cemetery isn’t enough, now the depressing color. Call the color what you may, but it is not consistent with other health facilities in the L/A area.
— anonymous

My gripe is the wonderfully generous people who pay extra money for those breast cancer awareness license plates and then SMOKE IN THE CAR! OMG! Get a grip you fools!

— anonymous

Is there something that really irks you? Something about your job, your family or the stuff you have to deal with every day? Share it. E-mail your peeves to bmail@sunjournal.com or mail them to Sun Journal, attn: b section, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04240, and we’ll print them here. Please keep your gripe to under 60 words.

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