AUGUSTA — Mountain Valley’s Ryan Burgess (105) and Ernie Matthews (140) each realized the task before them, but their efforts weren’t enough in the Maine/Nebraska Friendship Series The rest of the Maine team also discovered the shortcomings in trying to counter the Cornhuskers.

Cony High School hosted the third leg in the Friendship Series’ silver anniversary Friday night. The Maine wrestlers were shut out.

Matthews was in a battle from the onset, and the match remained deadlocked 0-0 following two periods. After Matthews rode out Caleb Hoyt, in the third period Hoyt went on the offensive. Matthews had to bridge off his back, but Hoyt was awarded three near-fall points and won the match 3-0.

“I had heard about him,” Matthews said. “.I definitely was too defensive against him. I should have shot in more.”

Cony was the third leg for the Nebraska wrestlers, who will also compete in Bath on Sunday.

Maine faced a steep task after Nebraska won 29 of the 32 matches at the previous two stops at York and Oak Hill.


Burgess encountered a buzz saw in unbeaten Connor Bolling. Burgess fell behind in the first minute and never recovered.

“I couldn’t do anything against him,” Burgess said. “He wouldn’t tie-up and when I tried shooting in, he had sprawled too far back.”

Dirigo state champion Brandon Jonaitis will compete at Morse.

“They won’t lock up,” said Joe Thornton, who coached the Maine wrestlers. “They maintain space, but they don’t do anything fancy, just single- and double-leg takedowns. Then on the mat, they are like pit bulls and get after you.”

Lisbon’s Cam Bubar executed the initial takedown, but was on the defensive the rest of the match. Bubar had five escapes in the 17-7 loss.

“(Reilly Allen) was quick and strong,” Bubar said. “He countered every one of my moves.”

Nebraska had an incentive after Maine won three of four meets last year in Nebraska.

“The travel team always has an advantage,” Nebraska team leader Tom McCann said.

T.J. VVallee of Cony lost 1-0 on an escape.

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