LIVERMORE FALLS — As of Wednesday, SAD 36 will be known as Regional School Unit 36, interim Superintendent David Wallace told directors Tuesday.
Directors voted Tuesday to partner with Jay and Fayette school departments to develop a questionnaire to send out to residents to find out what they want to do about consolidation with other schools systems. Jay School Department developed a community survey and proposed it to other school districts in the area, Wallace said.
The four towns – Livermore, Livermore Falls, Jay and Fayette – and 106 others around the state have been given a one-year reprieve from a penalty for not complying with the state’s school consolidation law. Gov. John Baldacci signed a bill June 22 delaying penalties for one year.
Additionally, 15 school districts that had voted to consolidate and their proposed partners that didn’t favor it also were given a one-year delay.
Jay, Livermore and Livermore Falls rejected joining together, and Fayette voters declined joining a larger school system that included the Readfield area.
Directors who will serve on the survey committee are board Vice Chairman Mac Haynes, Jennifer Pooler, Denise Rodzen and RSU 36 Superintendent Judy Harvey.
Because of the economy and the loss of jobs in the area, people are reconsidering consolidation, Rodzen said.
In other business, Wallace informed the board that he accepted a resignation from Colleen Akerman, technology director, effective July 24. She has taken a job with another school system, he said after the meeting.
The board approved Christina Bamford as a special education teacher in the Crossroads Program and Michelle Roberge as a grade one teacher. Directors also approved transfers at Livermore Elementary School for Tabatha Cushman to go from kindergarten teacher to literary interventionist and for Penny Grant to go from grade one teacher to grade two.
Directors awarded a $39,950 contract to low bidder G & E Roofing for work at the high school.
The board added two stipend positions to the teachers’ contract, as agreed upon by the union. They are $1,000 for civil rights adviser and $2,000 for substitute caller.

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